====== FAQ ====== ==== The priceguide table doesn't have any results or does not "work" ==== When using the incremental service, the ''priceguide'' table may take a long time to push results out. It is recommended that you have a long enough timeout on your downloading scripts to make sure they receive the data before timing out. ==== I don't have any results for my incremental feed! ==== It is normal for the incremental feed to not always have results. This could simply mean that no rows have been updated or added for that particular table. If you are positive that there have been added rows (such as the ''specials'' table having new specials) yet are still not receiving any results, please contact support at ==== System keeps telling me my key is invalid! ==== If you are using our system from South Africa, please take note from our [[start#important_details|front page]] that all South African users will need to swap the standard ''feeds.cruisefactory.net'' URL with the South African URL of ''feedssa.cruisefactory.net''. If you have already done this, or are not using our system from South Africa and you are still receiving this error please send us an e-mail with your company name and data key to here . ==== Who do I contact for technical issues? ==== For any issues relating to the XML service please e-mail our technical support at .